Dan & Ciaren had a wonderful crowd join them for their wedding. The celebration was held in their backyard on a bright summer day in Sunnyvale, CA. There was much hustle and bustle before the wedding until people started spilling in. The day had a slow and relaxed pace to it - much different than the high paced weddings I'm used to. It was a refreshing to see the bride and groom spend time with their guests and mingle for hours on end. As dusk crept in, friends from all over started joining the party! And as the sun went down the music picked up and people began to enjoy the music by taking to the dance floor. They was some real skill and experience in this crowd. Not to mention that Ciaren has been a dance instructor for many years!! Wow! The dancing really only slowed down for a floating lights ceremony -- gorgeous to behold! Thanks for the wonderful time at your wedding celebration! Congratulations!