David & Krystal's Wedding | San Francisco, CA

July 07, 2013  •  1 Comment

Music and food. These were the priorities for David and Krystal when they planned their wedding. Both priorities were present in copious amounts and both were amazing beyond words! We started at San Francisco's Buena Vista Park and ended up at the Cafe du Nord for the wedding festivities. There was a buffet with all sorts of tasty choices while David emceed the evening from behind his guitar on stage. David's band had a rocking line up of songs and some talented guest players made for a busy dance floor!  

Congratulations to David and Krystal!  

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I am a huge fan of formal family portraits that just don't go as planned. This little boy in the middle chose to scream at the top of his lungs just at the right moment. Don't worry, we also got a couple nice shots as well. 
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This next shot was an fortuitous meeting. I love this photograph! It embodies the beauty of the instrument and its player in the amidst of chaos. By all rights, I should not have been there for this moment. I just happen to run into the back room to grab something from my bag and there she was getting ready for her stage appearance. It was quite a happy accident. 
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A little spontaneous dancing in between sets never hurt anyone. ECPhoto-0147

*     *     *

Let the guest appearances commence!

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Teresa Greiwe(non-registered)
Very nice pictures!!
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